Robotics is one of the greatest technologies available today for controlling and processing information through computer systems. Robots are employed in many different sectors. This technology is highly helpful in the production of goods and also works with automated equipment. Robots greatly simplify all aspects of production.  People are quite interested in robotics, and they utilize them in factories that produce things like cars, food, and other goods.

This article discusses the top 7 robotics projects that all students at the basic and intermediate levels should think about building:

1. Line Follower

One of the first robotics projects that kids select is the line-follower robot. The robot known as a "Line Follower" follows a line in a certain direction. This line is often either a white line on a light (white) colored surface or a black line of a specific width. Numerous manufacturing industries, delivery services, etc. employ line-follower robots. You'll need the following electronics parts to create this:

Microcontrollers: These are utilized to operate the entire robot and serve as its processor. We use Arduino as our microcontroller. The market is filled with several Arduino models. We may use the Arduino Nano, which is the most basic model, for this project.

Module for Infrared (IR) Sensors: An IR sensor is a piece of technology that picks up infrared radiation. For this project, the line-detecting sensor is an IR sensor module. An IR LED and a photodiode, LED, etc. make up each module. Here, 4 to 6 sets of IR sensor modules are required.

The robot's motors are driven by a motor driver integrated circuit (IC). It obtains data from Arduino, and Arduino provides that data based on IR sensors. In this case, we used the L293D IC. The operating voltage for this driver IC is between 4.5 and 36 volts. Two voltage pins are included; one is used to circulate power for the L293D's operation, while the other is utilized to supply power to the motors.
DC motors: These are utilized to turn the wheels. Depending on how well the robots perform, we require DC motors that can work between 5 and 36 volts. The motor must be selected based on RPM. Usually, the RPM Usage ranges from 100 to 150 rpm.

Chassis: It's utilized to construct the roebot's fram. The quality of the robot's construction will determine whether it is built of wood, plastic, aluminum, or another material. Furthermore, it must be constructed using other parts that have precise dimensions.

Wire connectors: These are used to link the circuit's components together.

The motor driver IC and the Arduino are both powered by the power supply. For the motor driver and Arduino, voltages ranging from 6 to 12 volts are required.

The circuits and connections between the Arduino, the motor driver, and the IR modules must be made on a breadboard. Depending on the requirements, if someone can create their own circuit board using a PCB board, then it's not necessary. 

Switches: These are used to switch the power supply on and off.

Run the Arduino IDE on a laptop or desktop to upload code to an Arduino board

2. Robot for Pick and Place

One of the technologies utilized in various sectors, mostly manufacturing, is this robot, which was created to carry out pick and place activities, or picking up an object and placing it in the appropriate spot. To produce more accurate work, it is intended to do away with human interaction and error. In comparison to humans, they can do the task in a matter of seconds and are more precise. further makes the workplace safer and genuinely never gets weary. They are utilized in a variety of settings, including the filling and packaging of bottles, the detection and defusing of explosives, etc. You'll need the following electronics parts to create this:

The robot's primary body, or chassis, is what it is built from. This component is made up of joints, linkages, a sphere or cylinder, and other components.

Gripping Arm: The body portion of the rover that is attached to the last joint is utilized to grasp items. Similar to a human arm, it.

DC motors: The same as before. They are the robot's operators. The wheels are rotated by it. The motor must be selected based on RPM. The RPM is often utilized between 100 and 150 rpm. And just like before, we utilize L293D Motor Driver to drive the motors.

To ensure the robot functions properly, IR and touch sensors are employed to sense both the interior and exterior states. Touch sensors and IR sensors are both types of sensors used to identify things and barriers, respectively.,

Controller: This device is utilized to regulate each and every joint's motion as well as the arm's movement by controlling the motors based on sensor feedback.

Additionally, there are certain standard parts that were utilized in earlier projects, such as cables, switches, breadboards, laptops or desktops, power supplies, etc.

3. Intelligent Vacuum Robot

With a brush or cleaning cloth attached, this robot cleans the floor or any other flat surface. It may also have a vacuum system that collects dust and stores it in a container. Switches and mobile devices, as well as wireless technology, can be used to operate the robot. Today, this robot is employed in homes as well as large manufacturing facilities to clean the entire space. You'll need the following electronics parts to create this:

The robot's body is called the chassis, which is made up of several components, including a brush, wheels, electronics, etc.

8051 Microcontrollers: These are utilized to operate the entire robot and serve as its processor. We use Arduino as our microcontroller.

Little Motors: The brushes are hooked to this motor, which is used to clear the dust. As the motor rotates, the brushes also revolve and sweep the floor. Two motors are used for minor projects, but more motors may be needed for larger ones. A water pump motor is another item that is required if we employ a vacuum system.

The DC motor is identical to the prior They are the robot's operators. The robot is moved by it. The motor must be selected based on RPM. RPM is typically utilized inbetween 100 and 150 rpm. And just like before, we utilize the L293D Motor Driver to drive the motors.

IR, ultrasonic, and LDR sensors
are utilized to perceive the environment to ensure that the robot runs efficiently. LDR and IR sensors are employed as sensors for obstacle detection, and ultrasonic sensors are used for cleaning.

Using sensor feedback, the controller controls the motors. Both automated control and wireless control are options for the robot.

Additionally, certain common parts used in earlier projects, like cables, switches, breadboards, laptops or desktops, power supplies, etc., are still in use today.

4. Robot That Avoids Obstacles

The sole difference between this and a line follower robot is that the line follower robot moves by following a line, whereas this robot travels by dodging obstacles. This robot is the first step towards creating an autonomous vehicle. It may be applied to a variety of tasks, including automated vacuuming in the home and risky places where human entry might be lethal. You'll need the following electronics parts to create this:

Circuits, wheels, an Arduino, sensors, and other components make up the robot's body, or chassis.
Ultrasonic Sensor: The robot's movement is controlled by this sensor. A microphone-like ultrasonic sensor sends out a sound wave that is reflected by any nearby objects before being picked up by another sensor. The microcontroller issues the order to move in a different direction after receiving The robot operates in this manner. For more precision, we can combine an ultrasonic sensor with IR and proximity sensors.

Microcontrollers (8051):  is used to control the movement of the entire robot by sending commands to the motors after receiving input from sensors. To operate this microcontroller, we utilize Arduino.

The remaining parts, such as motors, cables, switches, a breadboard, a laptop or desktop, a power supply, etc., are also typical of earlier projects.

5. A Robot That Plays Soccer

This robot project is quite intriguing. This is quite similar to a robot that has already been established. The line-follower and the obstacle-avoiding robots have been combined to create this robot. In several robotics competitions, this robot plays football. The same element as the previous one, but something different, is required to produce this.

 Chassis: In this situation, a robust hard chassis is necessary since robots hit with one another during competitions, necessitating the necessity for a good chassis in order to create a hard construction.

Two pieces of high-quality wheels plus a caster wheel for unfettered movement in all directions make up the wheels.

DC motors: For improved performance, two strong motors are required. 150- to 200-rp motors at 12 volts are sufficient.A tiny motor is also included to press the ball in various directions.

The motors are driven by the L293D motor driver IC.

 Catchers: It's employed to seize the ball. Plastic can be used to build it, although high-quality materials are preferable. Additionally, you may purchase it at a market.

The remaining parts, such as cables, switches, a breadboard, a laptop or desktop, a power supply, etc., are also typical of earlier projects.

Gesture Control Robot, No. 6

This machine is gesture-controlled using the hands. The hand that moves controls this robot. With a few exceptions, this robot is comparable to robots that have already been specified. The transmitter circuit and the receiver circuit are the two components of this robot. This robot can serve consumers in stores and hotels, and it can also make contactless deliveries to residences. Let's examine the parts that went into making this.

Microcontrollers (8051): They are used to control the movement of the entire robot by sending commands to the motors after receiving input from sensors. To create this microcontroller, we utilized Arduino.

 Gyroscope and accelerometer sensors are the two major parts utilized in this. The sensor module, in this case the MPU6050 sensor module, which comprises a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope, converts the hand motions into electrical impulses.

RF Transmitter Operating at 433 MHz: This transmitter receives signals from the MPU6050 sensor module. A PCB called an RF transmitter is used to transmit radio waves and convert those waves into data.
The robot's body, or chassis, can be composed of any material, including plastic, metal, wood, etc.Two pieces of high-quality wheels plus a caster wheel for unfettered movement in all directions make up the wheels.

DC motors: two average-performing motors. For example, 100 to 150 rpm motors and 9 to 12 volts are sufficient. Using the Arduino, these motors rotate in a different direction.
The motors are driven by the L293D motor driver IC.
The remaining parts, such as cables, switches, a breadboard, a laptop or desktop, a power supply, etc., are also typical of earlier projects.

7. Quadcopter or drone

We can now construct a drone quickly and easily with only a few parts. Considering how expensive it is to create a great drone. This filing device is managed by an Arduino board, a remote, or a mobile device. The drone is a very helpful robot in many fields, including photography, delivery of some goods, food, etc. Let's examine the parts needed to assemble a drone.

Drone Body: The drone's primary body is composed of wood or very lightweight plastic. Furthermore, this is readily accessible on the market. It must be light-weight else the drone's overall body weight will grow.

In this instance, the propellers are rotated by the motors. It generates propulsion that allows the drone to fly higher. Both the number of motors and the number of propellers must match.

Propellers: These may be purchased from any electrical product market and are constructed of plastic or any metal, such as aluminum.

An electrical device known as a speed controller uses this to regulate the motor's speed. It serves as a dynamic brake as well. This speed controller aids the person operating the drone in measuring its height.

Signal Transmitter: This transmitter is how the remote controller connects with the drone. For particular drone control duties, such as moving left or right or accelerating or decelerating the propellers, there is a set frequency. Since drones need at least four propellers to function properly, the signal must be sent via four distinct frequency channels.

Camera Sensor: For the low-cost project, the camera is an optional part. But it is adaptable. It is used to take pictures or videos from the air.

Protectors: In the event of an accident, this protection will shield the drone's body and propellers.

The remaining parts, such as cables, switches, a breadboard, a laptop or desktop, a power supply, etc., are also typical of earlier projects.

 So these are some projects that are simple to make at home!